Pet Acupuncture and Chiropractic Treatments
At Hanover Veterinary Hospital in Cedar Lake, we believe in utilizing every treatment available to us to bring your pet the best care possible. Therefore, we’re proud to offer these alternative treatment services to our patients. Dr. Emily Hawrysio has a special interest in alternative therapies, including acupuncture. This service, when combined with traditional medicine, provides comprehensive healing for pets and effective pain management.
How Acupuncture Works
Acupuncture has its roots in traditional Chinese medicine and is used around the world on humans and animals as a form of pain management.
Modern medical acupuncture involves placing long, thin needles around the body at specific pressure points where nerves connect with muscle. When stimulated these points prompt the release of endorphins and other hormones and increase blood flow to the area. These changes increase immune system function, reducing pain and speeding natural healing in the process.
Dr. Emily uses acupuncture to treat a number of conditions including:
- Arthritis
- Hip dysplasia
- Skin conditions
- Seizures
- Nerve problems
- And more!
Additional Information
Pet acupuncture and chiropractic treatments are considered alternative medicines. While they can be used in place of medication in some cases, we usually recommend them in conjunction with traditional medical practices. For more information about Dr. Emily or our alternative treatments, please call us at (219) 374-9443.